WE HAVE A WINNER! $1,000 night stay at the Grand Hotel.

Who won??

Grand Hotel WinnersThis summer, we announced a Michigan Getaway contest for a $1,000 night stay at the Grand Hotel. We've been excited to send out this letter to one of you amazing people:


And we have a winner! Congratulations to Stacy VanLaan!!!


Stacy, a special ed teacher from Hudsonville, will be taking her husband Scott with her for some fancy times on Mackinac Island, including a beautiful stay at The Grand.

Speaking of fancy times, we can't think of anything fancier than this:

That's what we'd do, had we won. Cheers, Stacy and Scott!

Everyone at The Mitten State

1 comment

  • Sue

    I would love a shirt that says “Run Michigan.”
    Thank you.

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